How To Edit Comments In Blogger andrey четверг, 17 апреля 2014 г. No Comment

How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger
Everyone known blogger is one of the best and most popular blogging platforms. Most of the publishers use it as a magical platform that generates tons of traffic in no time. There is also a black side of blogger, many users use it as a blogging platform while others use it as a spam site. Comment spam is becoming one of the biggest headaches of web developers and bloggers. Some people visit your blogs because they want to increase the number of baclinks they have to their sites. They visit a website only to get a backlink. So in order to keep our blog safe from spammers, we should turn on comment moderation for our blog posts and also delete all comments containing links to spam sites. Some people comment on websites and enter some spam links in the comment form. They usually enter a href tag to link to their website. Wordpress allows their users to edit all the comments but blogger doesn’t allow us to do the same. Blogger allows us to delete a comment or to mark it as spam but it doesn’t allow us to edit its content. But, now we didn’t need to worry about it. When you carefully look at your blog’s XML database then you can easily figure out that editing comments in blogger is possible in blogger. You can edit any comment you want.

Edit Blog Comments with XML Database

This method is little bit tricky but it works perfectly. You don’t need to worry about anything I personally have tested this method many times and it worked. First thing you need to do is to backup your blogger blog. You need to download XML backup of your blogger blog that you can do by following the steps given below:

Go to → You Blog’s Dashboard → settings → Export blog → Download Entire Blog → And your backup will get downloaded.
How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger

Now your blog backup will start to download. After your blog backup gets downloaded completely. You need to pen the backup in notepad or any other word processing software. Now we have to search for that comment that we want to edit.  The XML code of the comment will look something like this

Dinesh Bhosale    

Now you need to replace the with the URL you want so it will not point toward his site, instead it will point towards the sit you want. After doing all the changes save the XML file.

Now you have to delete all the older comments from your blog it’s the most tricky part but believe me, nothing will go wrong. After republishing your article all the comments will be restored.

Now after deleting all the comments from your blog post we need to re upload our edited XML file.

Go to → your blog’s dashboard → Settings → other → Click on Import blog → now your blog will get imparted.
How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger

Remember to uncheck Automatically Publish All Imported posts so it will not repost duplicate duplicate posts. Now after finishing this step you can see what changes are made in your blog posts. 
How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger
Everyone known blogger is one of the best and most popular blogging platforms. Most of the publishers use it as a magical platform that generates tons of traffic in no time. There is also a black side of blogger, many users use it as a blogging platform while others use it as a spam site. Comment spam is becoming one of the biggest headaches of web developers and bloggers. Some people visit your blogs because they want to increase the number of baclinks they have to their sites. They visit a website only to get a backlink. So in order to keep our blog safe from spammers, we should turn on comment moderation for our blog posts and also delete all comments containing links to spam sites. Some people comment on websites and enter some spam links in the comment form. They usually enter a href tag to link to their website. Wordpress allows their users to edit all the comments but blogger doesn’t allow us to do the same. Blogger allows us to delete a comment or to mark it as spam but it doesn’t allow us to edit its content. But, now we didn’t need to worry about it. When you carefully look at your blog’s XML database then you can easily figure out that editing comments in blogger is possible in blogger. You can edit any comment you want.

Edit Blog Comments with XML Database

This method is little bit tricky but it works perfectly. You don’t need to worry about anything I personally have tested this method many times and it worked. First thing you need to do is to backup your blogger blog. You need to download XML backup of your blogger blog that you can do by following the steps given below:

Go to → You Blog’s Dashboard → settings → Export blog → Download Entire Blog → And your backup will get downloaded.
How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger

Now your blog backup will start to download. After your blog backup gets downloaded completely. You need to pen the backup in notepad or any other word processing software. Now we have to search for that comment that we want to edit.  The XML code of the comment will look something like this

Dinesh Bhosale    

Now you need to replace the with the URL you want so it will not point toward his site, instead it will point towards the sit you want. After doing all the changes save the XML file.

Now you have to delete all the older comments from your blog it’s the most tricky part but believe me, nothing will go wrong. After republishing your article all the comments will be restored.

Now after deleting all the comments from your blog post we need to re upload our edited XML file.

Go to → your blog’s dashboard → Settings → other → Click on Import blog → now your blog will get imparted.
How To Edit Visitor's Comments In Blogger

Remember to uncheck Automatically Publish All Imported posts so it will not repost duplicate duplicate posts. Now after finishing this step you can see what changes are made in your blog posts. 
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

Follow him @ Twitter | Facebook | Google Plus

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