There is a new initiative called the Learning Analytics Initiative.
Here is the link:
Here is the Overview from their home page:
The aims of the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) are to accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks, support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions, and work together so as to avoid duplication.
Work is underway across the learning analytics domain to realize an open analytics infrastructure. Institutions and companies are partnering to build a solid learning analytics foundation, in order to enable institutions to ask and answer strategic questions about learners – and take action on those insights.
The following are examples of LAI efforts in each of the five primary areas of learning analytics:
1. Sakai CLE xAPI integration (University of Amsterdam, Unicon)
2. Apereo OAE xAPI integration (UvA, Unicon)
3. uPortal xAPI integration (UvA, Eric Dalquist, Unicon)
4. Larissa, community-sourced LRS (UvA)
5. OpenLRS, community-sourced LRS (USUHS, Unicon)
(LRS stands for Learning Record Store, which makes use of the xAPI or Tin Can API.)
There is a new initiative called the Learning Analytics Initiative.Here is the link:
The aims of the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) are to accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks, support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions, and work together so as to avoid duplication.
Work is underway across the learning analytics domain to realize an open analytics infrastructure. Institutions and companies are partnering to build a solid learning analytics foundation, in order to enable institutions to ask and answer strategic questions about learners – and take action on those insights.
The following are examples of LAI efforts in each of the five primary areas of learning analytics:
1. Sakai CLE xAPI integration (University of Amsterdam, Unicon)
2. Apereo OAE xAPI integration (UvA, Unicon)
3. uPortal xAPI integration (UvA, Eric Dalquist, Unicon)
4. Larissa, community-sourced LRS (UvA)
5. OpenLRS, community-sourced LRS (USUHS, Unicon)
(LRS stands for Learning Record Store, which makes use of the xAPI or Tin Can API.)
Here is the link:
Here is the Overview from their home page:
The aims of the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) are to accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks, support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions, and work together so as to avoid duplication.
Work is underway across the learning analytics domain to realize an open analytics infrastructure. Institutions and companies are partnering to build a solid learning analytics foundation, in order to enable institutions to ask and answer strategic questions about learners – and take action on those insights.
The following are examples of LAI efforts in each of the five primary areas of learning analytics:
1. Sakai CLE xAPI integration (University of Amsterdam, Unicon)
2. Apereo OAE xAPI integration (UvA, Unicon)
3. uPortal xAPI integration (UvA, Eric Dalquist, Unicon)
4. Larissa, community-sourced LRS (UvA)
5. OpenLRS, community-sourced LRS (USUHS, Unicon)
(LRS stands for Learning Record Store, which makes use of the xAPI or Tin Can API.)
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