Top 3 Websites To Check Your Blog Loading Time andrey четверг, 17 апреля 2014 г. No Comment

Top 3 Websites To Check Your Blog Loading Time
Page loading time plays a vital role in search engine optimization.No doubt weblog load time play a vital role in Search Engine Results. It is obviously an important Search Engine Optimizing factor for any weblog or website. Recently we got precious recommendations from Google webmaster team which shows, that they will start ranking of the weblogs based on their load time. So it concluded, that now Google will consider your weblog loading timing as one of the major reason in the search engine result. To see this great news about weblog load time i was shocked, at the movement i have removed all the ordinary java script, heavy j query files, images and other third party widgets from the weblog. Now the question arise, how i checked the weblog for load time, when i have removed couple of widgets from the weblog. Which services have helped me in checking my website load time. So in today's article i will show you the top 2 awesome websites to check your weblog load time instantly. Get all the heavy files used in your weblog which have compelled your weblog on load time.

3 best Website To Check Your blog load time

I have been searching couple of days in Google search engine along with my friends to find out some useful services which can help both web loggers and webmasters in better way to check their weblog and website load time properly and exactly. Meanwhile we have found so many online services which help in checking weblog statistic and performance. But in the end of the day, after 24 hours we have been surprised with two awesome weblog load time checker services which have some prominent features than all of the rest, which we have found earlier. So these two website will be presented here along with screenshot in the below section.
Google Page Speed Insights
Google Page Speed Insights is one of the best tool to check your blog loading time. It also suggests you the required changes you need to make in your blogger blog to improve your blog loading time. You can use Google page speed insights to improve your blog loading time for free. You just need to submit your blog url, after submitting your blog url it tests your blog and displays important factors to reduce your blog loading time.

GTmetrix is one of the best and free website to check your weblog load time, analyses your weblog and provided a completed performance report of the weblog. This is a recommended website almost used by every weblogger and webmaster. We have been testing our website recently and got splendid result.  The best score we consider for every weblog and website should have above 90 which is counted in grad "A". Now check your own weblog and get the performance result how much you scored out of 100. thing.

Pingdom is yet another best and splendid website helps in checking your weblog page load time and give you the overall performance of your weblog. It would also show the elements of your website which takes too much in loading the page. Pingdom also suggest to over size the different elements like, Java script, html and heavy css file hosted on external services. In short i would say, pingdom is the best and recommended weblog load time website one the web. Go and check your weblog by pingdom to get the overall performance of your weblog.
Top 3 Websites To Check Your Blog Loading Time
Page loading time plays a vital role in search engine optimization.No doubt weblog load time play a vital role in Search Engine Results. It is obviously an important Search Engine Optimizing factor for any weblog or website. Recently we got precious recommendations from Google webmaster team which shows, that they will start ranking of the weblogs based on their load time. So it concluded, that now Google will consider your weblog loading timing as one of the major reason in the search engine result. To see this great news about weblog load time i was shocked, at the movement i have removed all the ordinary java script, heavy j query files, images and other third party widgets from the weblog. Now the question arise, how i checked the weblog for load time, when i have removed couple of widgets from the weblog. Which services have helped me in checking my website load time. So in today's article i will show you the top 2 awesome websites to check your weblog load time instantly. Get all the heavy files used in your weblog which have compelled your weblog on load time.

3 best Website To Check Your blog load time

I have been searching couple of days in Google search engine along with my friends to find out some useful services which can help both web loggers and webmasters in better way to check their weblog and website load time properly and exactly. Meanwhile we have found so many online services which help in checking weblog statistic and performance. But in the end of the day, after 24 hours we have been surprised with two awesome weblog load time checker services which have some prominent features than all of the rest, which we have found earlier. So these two website will be presented here along with screenshot in the below section.
Google Page Speed Insights
Google Page Speed Insights is one of the best tool to check your blog loading time. It also suggests you the required changes you need to make in your blogger blog to improve your blog loading time. You can use Google page speed insights to improve your blog loading time for free. You just need to submit your blog url, after submitting your blog url it tests your blog and displays important factors to reduce your blog loading time.

GTmetrix is one of the best and free website to check your weblog load time, analyses your weblog and provided a completed performance report of the weblog. This is a recommended website almost used by every weblogger and webmaster. We have been testing our website recently and got splendid result.  The best score we consider for every weblog and website should have above 90 which is counted in grad "A". Now check your own weblog and get the performance result how much you scored out of 100. thing.

Pingdom is yet another best and splendid website helps in checking your weblog page load time and give you the overall performance of your weblog. It would also show the elements of your website which takes too much in loading the page. Pingdom also suggest to over size the different elements like, Java script, html and heavy css file hosted on external services. In short i would say, pingdom is the best and recommended weblog load time website one the web. Go and check your weblog by pingdom to get the overall performance of your weblog.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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